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This Month’s Cover:

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DIRECT MAILED to 13,500 homes & businesses

in the towns of Southwick, Westfield, Feeding Hills, Tolland,

Granville and Northern Connecticut (West Suffield, Granby and beyond).

Serving Massachusetts and Connecticut

Publisher: Carole Caron

Editor: Cole LudorfLayout/Design Artists: Martin Lee, Cole Ludorf, Jim Rivera-DelRio (Intern) Advertising Consultant:

Carole Caron, Martin Lee

Waterfall By Janice Baronian .........................................3

Looking Back at 1957 By Clifton J. (Jerry) Noble Sr ....4

Shinrin-Yoku By Lucas Caron ........................................8

To Love Our Country By Todd Shiveley .....................10

July’s Origins .............................................................14

Southwick Open Farm Day By Burt Hansen ...........15

Enlightened by Colors By Michael Dubilo .....................16

Have a Healthy Soul By Jeff King ..............................20

Bulletin Board ...........................................................22

Classifieds ..................................................................23


A legendary uncharted island exists Beyond the sandy shores of sultry Jamaica A virtual utopia-like paradise to behold ‘Amidst the coconut palms and A profusion of verdurous vegetation Elegant fragrant flora grow As each colorful delicate blossom doth unfold Secluded within a mellifluous graceful waterfall No thundering cataract this. Created by the Almighty One who reigns in Heaven’s bliss. Cascading down like yards of unwinding satin ribbons from a gypsy caravan

From between the craggy rock-strewn cleavage above, Permeating past the lofty prominent escarpment; Coaxed by the pull of gravity and Mother Nature’s gentle shove. Fed by continuous rivulets Originating from its counterpart a confluence of hidden streams The emanating inbound current passes by As if awakened from a whimsical dream A vain ostentatious peacock struts fanning its tail with a ruffling sound; Sightless eyes there upon brilliant colors can be found. Waterlilies float atop the rippling mirrored surface Of the accumulating pond, Outlined in beds of moss and interspersed with both fern and frond No apparent obstruction nor nature-wrought tourniquet To attempt to stop the flow. Obeisant as if bowing forth in reverence Head over heels it goes tumbling splashing into the catch basin below The rhythmic melodious sound like the clicking of castanets Coupled with tap dancers Performing in unison repeatedly upon the aquatic stage. The natives surround their god The waterfall kindred spirits in fellowship they engage The rain season comes through the turnstile, At first a mist-like shower changing into droplets akin To silvery sequins passing through a sieve Semblance of an aspergillum used for a holy water sprinkling, A benediction blessing to give Like a banner o’er the waterfall iridescent Neapolitan rainbows appear Every time the rotating ubiquitous sun draws near Lo this enchanting awe-inspiring wonder In this exotic land.

by Janice Baronian


By Clifton (Jerry) Noble, Sr.

In the mid 1950s work with my Department of Public Works survey party, puppet shows, and increasing social activity precluded journal keeping. Thus, only ex-pense pages and records of job progress are all I have to jog memory.

In a coffee shop a cup cost ten cents and I could treat my three men for 40 to 70 cents even if someone had a doughnut or English muffin. Coffee was plenty for my 120-pound physique, especially during the first part of the year when I was plagued by a slight but persistent tendency to diarrhea. For remedy I tried paregoric. That was no help nor was Coca Cola syrup, available at 80 cents to a dollar a bottle, which one of my men suggested. That started a tooth cavity. A cousin loaned Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit by Adelle Da-vis which led me to suspect vitamin B deficiency. By December I acquired a bottle of Rybutol (vitamin B complex,$4.95) and my trouble went away over night

Construction of seven bridges in Hampden and one on Crane Hill Road in Wilbraham continued. They were complet-

July 2013

ed and sideline bounds set in July. At Mill Road a laborer, who could have modeled for Charles Atlas, worked in swim briefs during sunny weather. I marveled at how he could pick up granite bounds which must have weighed nearly 200 pounds and throw them into holes he dug.

Before final payment could be made to the contractor we had to measure everything to verify that it had been built ac-cording to plan.

In some cases stream beds had been made deeper especial-ly at South Monson Road in Hampden. Although I was chief of party, it was easier for me to turn over notebook keeping to Tom Cooney, my transitman, and get level rod readings in hip-deep water under the bridge in Coronado swim briefs than to make the Department haul out a rowboat for those few elevations. Although upstream the Scantic River valley was loaded with snakes, I didn’t see one while wading. The lady clerk from the corner coffee shop came the short distance to the bridge to see what was going on.

I was paid three cents a mile for using my new, 6-cylin-der Ford to transport crew and equipment rather than have the state supply a carryall. This car proved to be a lemon with one breakdown after another until Westfield Ford replaced it by an 8-cylinder model with exactly the same body and color. Dur-

Looking Back at 1957

Dickey Bird and Fox from puppet show with

“Dividing Flames for Christmas” - Drawing by the author


ing the transition one of the mechanics loaned me his older car. Gas station attendants gave me more sympathetic attention than when I was driving my new cars.

Other prices were for overshoes,$6.50, hair-cut, $1.00, daily newspaper, 5 cents, Sunday pa-per, 17 cents. Yearly rent for my post office box in Russell was $1.20. Postage stamps were 3 cents each, a guitar book, $1.50, a 33 rpm Chet Atkins record, $3.98. I had paid an-other survey chief $15 for his guitar. He told me the crack in its back came from hit-ting his wife in the rear with it. After learning a lot of Gene Autry songs, I was in demand to sing them Saturday nights at the farm of my late fa-ther’s cousin on Main Road, Montgomery. I even played and sang briefly with a local band.

A 1,000 ft. reel of single-strand fence wire, $3.95 (not barbed) got strung to mark two property lines of my 30-acre wood lot. Of 100 Norway spruce seedlings ($7.65) I gave half a dozen to my neighbor across the road, and they did more to mask the front of his house than the other 94 did to fill up my woods.

Yearly property taxes for about 40 acres and 3 smallish buildings were $131.56.

Although much survey time got spent on the reconstruct-ing Hampden bridges washed out by the 1955 flood,we sur-veyed River Road in Agawam, Boston, Fernbank and Pasco roads in Springfield, East Mountain Road, Union Street under-pass in Westfield and the Main Street bridge over Little River. Then there was Agawam Avenue in West Springfield. In spring, summer and fall outdoor survey could be fun. Winter wasn’t too bad if the temperature stayed around 30 degrees.

In August the offer of a free lesson snagged me into nine more ballroom dance lessons for $251 at the Arthur Murray studio in Springfield. If I remember right, after the step lesson,

there was a social dance to finish the evening. I was 31 years old and had graduated from 4-year high school at age 16. Imagine the surprise to meet my freshman civics teacher, Rachel Ripley, at that first social. Before my nine lessons ran out there was Halloween costume party. I wore jeans, snaps shirt, cowboy hat and boots, and didn’t have far to walk along Main Street from my car park to the studio. I met Rita and her friend and gave them a ride home. Friend took my picture which I was later shown in the waiting room album.

For a decade I’d been too busy for dating, but I started picking up Rita for supper (with tip = $4.25) and movies at her walled villa on Springfield’s south highland. She and her widowed mother ran a store near Winchester Square. We saw “Around the World in 80 Days” and “Raintree County.”I even took her to the Public Works Christmas party. She had been an Arthur Murray instructor and danced fabu-lously. I was just good enough to show her off and she made quite an impression. She was a few years older than I and we drifted apart.

Clif Williston, our neighbor up the mountain, died in Sep-tember and we got flowers from Mrs. Pomeroy at Craighurst Gardens in Russell. Also my mother attended the Eastern States Exposition. Admission was $1.25.

As chief of survey party I was earning $111 a week. 5%($5.55) was a contribution to retirement fund. $15.30 went for federal withholding tax leaving net pay of $90.15. I felt rich.




I invite you to examine the world just outside of your window. Distance yourself from technology for just a moment and envelop yourself in the multifaceted beauty of the outdoors. Look at the minute details in the landscape, from the grooves in the trees to the animals roaming the earth. Open the window and listen carefully to the cheerful songs of the birds and the gentle swaying of the trees in the wind. Take deep breaths of the crisp air and smell the dif-ferent fragrances of the natural world, whether it is the earthy smell of falling rain on dry soil or the lovely aroma of flowers blooming nearby. As you do this, be mindful of the feelings you experience; do you feel relaxed? Relieved? Fulfilled? Joyful? Let

these feelings wash over you and rejuvenate your mind and body.

What I guided you through just now is a glimpse into the Japanese art of shinrin-yoku, which translates to “forest bathing” or “absorbing the forest atmosphere”. It is the act of simply spending time in nature and immers-ing your senses in it, allowing the sights, sounds, smells, physical sensations, and even tastes that you experience to bring you toward a more centered and relaxed state. Most commonly, it involves spending an extended pe-riod in a forest or any other natural landscape in no rush, taking notice of each wondrous detail that piques the in-terest of your senses and your curiosity. In doing this, you are building a bond between you and the natural world, fostering inner peace and strong overall health. Though this may sound like a nature walk and nothing more, shinrin-yoku is a powerful solution to ease the stress of our daily lives. Humanity has lived alongside nature for as long as it has existed on Earth, and thus people naturally reap benefits from embracing nature that directly counteract the harmful effects our modern society burdens us with.

The Woes of a Modern World

Just what are these “harmful effects,” however? To an-swer this, we must first recognize that the world is becoming progressively more urbanized; according to the World Bank, roughly 56% of the world’s population-4.4 billion people live in cities, with urban populations expected to more than double in number by 2050. In this modern era, humans are constantly surrounded by various stressors, from the constant buzz of cell phones, televisions, and other screens around every corner to the cityscapes filled with metallic buildings and structures that seem to stretch as far as the eye can see. Even in more rural ar-eas such as Southwick, the reach of these stressors is seemingly inescapable, with society’s technological advancements having been incorporated into every aspect of our lives. Of course, one cannot deny the immense beneficial impact technology has had on our society, but it is equally undeniable that it can be a detriment to our health as well. Technology use is consistently attributed to an increase in mental health issues such as anxi-ety, depression, and sleep disorders, and the constant barrage of notifications from social media and news outlets leaves us feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

The Science Behind a Solution

Fortunately, shinrin-yoku has the therapeutic power to stop these consequences in their tracks. Shinrin-yoku was first named and developed by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 1982 as a response to the stress and anxiety that stemmed from growing urbanization and techno-

by Lucas Caron


logical advancements in Japan. Since then, numerous scientific studies from professionals both in Japan and around the world have produced significant evidence that demonstrates shinrin-yoku’s ability to heal many of the physical, mental, and emo-tional struggles we as humans frequent-ly suffer from.

For instance, one 2007 study headed by Bum-Jin Park of the Forestry and For-est Research Institute in Ibaraki, Japan, on the physiological effects of shinrin-yoku had one group of six participants walk around a city area for twenty min-utes in the forenoon and sit down and admire the landscape for twenty min-utes in the afternoon. Meanwhile, an-other group of six participants did the same in a forest area. The groups then switched settings the following day for a cross-examination. Throughout the experiment, cerebral activity in the pre-frontal area as well as salivary cortisol (a hormone known to induce stress) were measured as physiological indices in the morning before the experiment, before and after walking around the city or forest, before and after watching the city or forest landscapes, and at night before the participants went to sleep. The results of the experiment indicated that cerebral activity was much lower after walking in the forest than after walking in the city, and the concentration of salivary cortisol was also significantly reduced after viewing the forest land-scape as opposed to the city landscape. The conclusion that can be made from this study is that shinrin-yoku is highly effective at easing stress and relaxing your mind and body alike.

Much of what is known about the positive benefits of shin-rin-yoku has stemmed from the research of Dr. Qing Li, who is a medical doctor and clinical professor at Nippon Medical School Hospital in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, the President of the Japanese Society of Forest Therapy, and widely regarded as the founder of forest medicine. Among his experiments, he has proven that a day trip to a forest or natural biome can boost the immune system by enhancing the amount and strength of NK cells in the body, which are white blood cells that destroy infected and cancerous cells. He also determined the ability of shinrin-yoku to lower blood pressure by reducing parasympa-thetic nerve activity.

Although there are far too many to fit into one article, myr-iad other fascinating studies on the effects of shinrin-yoku on humans have been conducted that prove it can help lift depres-sion, improve concentration and memory, improve cardiovas-cular and metabolic health, and much more. Nature’s healing power is truly remarkable!

Shinrin-Yoku and Southwick

To take advantage of these health benefits, how exactly should you per-form shinrin-yoku? Though exploring a forest is the most effective way to do so, the simple answer is any way you would like! At its core, shinrin-yoku is all about finding fulfillment in nature by immers-ing the senses within its splendor, and this can be done anywhere from a per-sonal garden to a city park. Should you be looking for an ideal location to engage in shinrin-yoku, however, I am proud to offer a solution unique to Southwick. As part of the Diversified Learning Ex-perience (DLE) program at Southwick Regional School, I participated in an in-ternship at the Southwick Conservation Commission during the second semester of my senior year. During my tenure as an assistant to Ms. Sabrina Pooler, the Conservation Coordinator, I extensively researched shinrin-yoku and its impacts on physi-cal and mental health and how it could be properly incorporat-ed into the Southwick community. My research has culminat-ed in developing a shinrin-yoku trail within the town-owned Sofinowski Property at 155 Mort Vining Rd, Southwick, MA. Various signs will be installed along the trail to incite walkers to engage their senses with Sofinowski’s natural qualities, thus encouraging them to embrace the beauty of the local flora and fauna, connect to the pleasant sounds of the forest and its in-habitants, feel the soothing flow of a river, and beyond. As my plan for this trail comes to fruition over the coming months, I invite you to take a few hours to visit the property and appre-ciate the land that makes up the heart and soul of our quaint town. In doing so, you will quickly discover that planet Earth has everything you need to raise your mind and body to new heights, and that shinrin-yoku is the key to a healthier you and a happier life.


With the 4th of July holiday right behind us, when this month’s issue of Southwoods maga-zine reaches mailboxes It shouldn’t lessen not only the importance of this holiday but more so the unique loca-tion of our town(s) with so much 18th Century & Revolutionary events and people who took part in that monu-mental time in world history.

One of the earliest examples of our town’s perspective would be that, we were on the path of General Henry Knox’ and his army’s march from N.Y. (After our win at Fort Ticond-eroga) down into Massachusetts from Alford, leading into both Russel into Westfield, then onto W.Springfield onward to Boston. A mighty feat traveling through the Berkshires during the win-ter of 1775 and moving 59 cannons, So General Washington could give the Brits a rude awakening in 1776.

From our Neighboring towns like Westfield and Gran-ville to those in nearby Connecticut all giving up their eligible

youth and fathers to families, Southwick was nonetheless pa-triotic in offering up 78 men to fight for the cause of liberty and 24 of them are buried in our old cemetery.

In Sandisfield, Massachusetts, Capt Dan-iel Brown’s tavern and New Boston Inn, actually trained local regiments during the Revolutionary War from 1775 1789. Our neighbor-ing town of East Granby, Ct had their New Gate copper mining prospect, now turned into a prison for Red-coasts and traitors.

In Connecticut, near New Mil-ford, you had the once notable Wash-ington Oak tree where Gen. Washing-ton more than once stopped for lunch, from New York to Hartford. And one of these less cordial though important stops was to discuss with Marquis de Lafayette, who laid the decisive siege of Yorktown, in 1781. I was lucky to have visited this 300-year-old historic tree over 30 years ago be-fore it got knocked down.

Also taking place in 1781 and in Connecticut, is the famous Joseph Webb House in Wethersfield, where Washington and Compte de Rochambeau planned the final battle in the Revo-lutionary War.

However, during these trying times of the Revolutionary War, it wasn’t just in Boston or New York where the political strife of debate and treason crossed paths with those who were called Torys or Tories, that sided with the Motherland of Brit-ain instead of a new-found ‘America’ . In both cases, after the famous battle of Saratoga in 1777, and being marched to Bos-ton, to be sold into slavery. A Scotsman, fighting on behalf of

Washington Oak in New Milford Connecticut. It was believed to have been the site of a staff meeting by George Washington during the Revolutionary War. The tree died in 2003.

Above: Capt Daniel Brown’s tavern and New Boston Inn. Sandisfield, MA

Left: Revolutionary War reenactment in Sandisfield, Massachusetts


the redcoats escaped and returned to Chester, Mas-sachusetts to marry Fan-nie Holland, the daughter of James Holland, a lead-ing figure in town; and one of the reasons the town changed its name to Chester from Murryfield, beyond other British loyalty ties. The other case of traitorship hap-pened in Canton, CT when at least 20% of one particular Hessian detach-ment of soldier-prisoners dis-appeared between Simsbury & Canton. Claims that they were kidnapped by lonesome and widowed women.

Beyond all of these many cases of close revolutionary ties during that time in American history, and far more too nu-merous to include in this article. I want to remind readers of the legend of the French accountant soldier who was bringing gold to pay the French troops In Saratoga, who mysteriously disappeared between Simsbury and Canton, and later was seen at night rid-ing towards Albany, the headless rider, that I’ve mentioned in the past, our very own headless horsemen.

Finally, after the Revolutionary War, an angry ex-veteran Captain Daniel Shay, and a group of fellow soldiers took up arms against our then-new Government of both Massachusetts and the United States of New America, over the debt crisis, and naturally high land taxes between 1786 and 87’. With a group of 1,500 farmers, they marched on debtors’ courts and forced them to close, and after an attempt to seize weapons from the armory in Springfield. After the last battle in New Barrington, 200 rebels were captured and tried for treason and sentenced to death, though later pardoned by John Hancock, after he was elected governor.

The Joseph Webb House. The place where the last major battle in the Revolutionary War, the Siege of Yorktown, was planned.

Gravestone of Timothy Noble, a Southwick Revolutionary War Veteran.





Our second annual Open Farm Day will be Sunday August 18, from 10 am to 4 pm. We are so pleased to say “second annual” because it means we have created something that will live on for years to come!

We also are more than pleased that Open Farm Day 2024 will be co-spon-sored by the Southwick Economic Devel-opment Commission and the Southwick Land Trust. Collaboration is an impor-tant way to make things happen!

What is Open Farm Day? Sim-ply put, it’s an opportunity for you to get a behind-the-scenes look at our lo-cal farms. Have you ever been inside a tobacco barn? Did you ever pet a goat? Would you like to take a hayride? Have you seen how an automated greenhouse works? How about kids in your family? Would they like to have a pony ride or a hayride or try veggie-shaped cookies?

All these activities and more will be available from 10 am - 4 pm Sunday Aug. 18. Admission is free, and we encourage people of all ages to attend!

Southwick Open Farm Day is designed to promote South-wick farms, raise awareness of farm operations, build respect for the work our farmers do and, of course, to have some fun! Volunteers will be on hand at each location to help with park-ing and other logistics.

Ten farms are participating this year: Blossoming Acres, Calabrese Farm, Coward Farm, Arnold Tobacco Farm & Sun-flower Stand, Firefly Fields Farm, Klineview Stables, Solek Farm, and Bisi Farm. In addition, the Southwick History Mu-seum will showcase the town’s farming history. The Hampden County Improvement League will be at the museum to provide information about 4-H and the agricultural scholarships and grants they provide.

Of the ten participants, two are new: Second Eden Farm is Southwick’s newest farm, and will provide a look at how a farm

is built and offer activities for kids, as well. Another “newcom-er” is GranVal Scoop in Granville, an area landmark so really not new at all! They will have animals to visit, wagon rides and, of course, ice cream!

Here’s how it will work: Pick up an Open Farm Day “passport” at any of the participating locations, and get a sticker showing that you were there. (Passports are optional, but they help you plan your day.) The passport will direct you to all the Open Farm Day locations, and you’ll get a sticker at each place you visit. Here’s a tip you probably can’t get to all the farms! Also, we are not offering prize drawings this year the farms are the prizes!

You may have seen Open Farm Day brochures around town at the participat-ing farms, businesses, the library, and Town Hall. We are very pleased with the enthusiasm we’re seeing around town for the event! See you on Open Farm Day!

By Burt Hansen, Chair, Southwick AgCom


By Michael Dubilo

The month of July reveals blooms of vivid colors, right here in Western Mass. Let us all relax, breathe deep, and slow, and visualize a color-laden story sprinkled with nuggets of truth.

National Memorial Day was televised honoring the mili-tary service and sacrifice of the men and women in the US armed forces. Behold, then, before your eyes reader, the hill before men and women of war. Not a welcoming sight, however a mighty engagement battles for the treasured prize: Freedom. This is symbolized by the bright colors on America’s Flag: Red, White, and Blue. The warfare’s fought, the victory’s won. How-ever, be alert! Freedom is not free. Stand up and lay hold of our

life giving freedom every day. Get involved, and show your colors, our precious America needs you right now. When men and women see the demand, they join to-gether in peace and fight for righteousness. Our combat veterans did and many shed the color red for the United States of America. salute all participants with enlight-ened spirits of gratitude.

We all look forward to the July 4th display of Fire-works.

Man-made fireworks are illuminated with colors by pure chemistry. That’s because they’re created by the use of metal salts. Naturally, these salts are different from table salt. Chemistry ‘salt’ refers to any compound that contains metal and non-metal atoms. Most of these compounds produce intense colors when they burn, which makes them ideal for fireworks.

Ingredients, like potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal are useful to help the fireworks burn. While ni-trates, chlorates, and perchlorates provide oxygen for the combustion of the fuel. Dextrin, often used as a starch, holds the mixture together. The application of chlorine donors strengthens a variety of colors.

After a firework ignites, a lift charge propels it into the sky. That’s just explosive black powder in a confined space that, when lit, causes a fast increase of heat and gas that can send a firework as high as 1,000 feet (300 meters) into the air.

Chemistry, mixed and made by men and women for our viewing pleasure.

Burst of colors in front of a black sky, Wow.

On the other hand, we experience an aurora, also com-monly known as the Northern Lights. A genuine light display found in Earth’s sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude re-gions. Auroras illustrate dynamic patterns of brilliant lights that appear as curtains, rays, spirals, or dynamic flickers cover-ing the entire sky.

We believe God created this beautiful spectacle, the North-


ern Lights. The natural properties and behavior of matter are caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with the Earth’s magnetic field

Man-made or God-made, both provide en-lightenment to our eyes. One costs a deal of money, while nature’s sight is a gift to all.

Susanna, my colorful and fruit-ful wife, loves parades. Communities around our free nation, gather to watch the flow of characters walking along a set course. Smiling faces on the outside and minds filled with the price of hu-man sacrifices, the freedom that was fought for, and the party of friends that awaits, cheering them on. Some of the best picnics are on the 4th of July. Good, treasured friends, Bob and Pat of the Wyben area of Westfield invite Su-sanna and me to join friends for conver-sation, the Wyben July 4th parade, and of course delicious food. Creative, colorful floats and participants line up and march right in front of the Allen House in a peaceful, country setting. A family picture taken in 2023 captures joy and colors. Candy treats are tossed out, and gath-ered by grandkids and adults who are bold enough to enjoy sweet delights. Thank you, parade and party organizers.

Is it time to work on a tan? Healthy and enriched-looking skin is a must for me. Contact with ultraviolet rays of light (UV rays) can be good or bad. Natural oils on your skin transport Vitamin D internally for applied use. The main function of Vi-tamin D is to help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, helping to prevent osteoporosis, falls, and fractures in older adults. With that said, avoid washing your skin before sun ex-posure. Sensitive skin and light-hair candidates should remain cautious outside. Protect your eyes with quality sunglasses.

The two types of UV rays are UV-A and UV-B. Your skin

has three major layers: epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. UV-A is the type of light that makes the skin tan. It reaches the lower layers of the epidermis, triggering your outer covering to produce a brown pigment called melanin. Mel-anin is made by cells called melanocytes. Melanin is your skin’s effort to block the damage that UV-A rays cause. The more you expose it to the sun, the more melanin your body produces.

UV-B rays cause sunburn. They burn just the upper layers of the epider-mis. A warning to all, be diligent with skin exposed to the sun. Avoid getting “burned.”

The heat is on for another season of active, outdoor enjoyment. July and Au-gust are the best times to visit the coastal or summery destinations, including Cape Cod, Maine’s coastline, Rhode Island, and pretty much any beach town. You are sure to find the most, pleasurable, authentic seasonal experience. Summer-time allows the best and warmest weather for beach days, and all businesses will be open, promoting useful products. En-joy watching colorful boats sailing the waters, color-splashed beach wear or just gaze at the natural movements of the lake, ocean, sky, and our fellow human beings.

By the way, July is National Blueberry Month. Packed with loads of nutrients, these deep, blue beauties are a good source of manganese, vitamins C, K1, and antioxidants. These small, blue balls also provide small amounts of copper, as well as vi-tamins E and B6. Studies reveal human bloodstreams will be enlightened with nourishment. Your body will thank you for the flow of goodness.




Have a

Healthy Soul

One Easter Sunday, I met a woman who looked like she was in her 80s. It came as a shock to me when she said she was 102 years old. It wasn’t just that she looked as healthy as could be that threw me off. It was that she was so full of joy, her mind was so sharp, and she was having such a good time with everyone around her.

She waited in line to meet me after the service and, when I found out she was 102, I asked her if she wanted me to pull up a chair for her. “I don’t need to sit down,” she said with a big grin. “I’ll sit down when I get old.”

She explained that she was from out of town, just visiting

for the Easter weekend. Later, as she walked out the door, she turned and said, “See you next Easter!” And I fully expect that God will give her another year!

I thought to myself, Over the past 102 years she must have had more than her share of tough times. But here she is still young at heart and full of energy.

What’s the key to feeling young at any age? Pay attention to your inner life.

I know a man who was in his 20s when he developed a redness between his eyes and all around the top of his face. It made his skin itchy and flaky, and it made him very self-conscious. He tried creams and lotions and special soap, but nothing helped. He went to a dermatologist who gave him a prescription, but the redness never went away.

A couple of years went by, and it wasn’t getting any bet-ter. Finally, he tried a different doctor. The new doctor said, “I know exactly what’s causing this. It’s stress. You’re wound too tight. You have too much pressure in your life. I can give you more medication, but until you change, until you get more balanced, it’s not going away.”

But this young man thought, I can handle the stress. I can do it all. I’m fine.

Sometimes we can’t see what’s poisoning us. We have a blind spot. We look in the mirror and we see the redness or the rash. We look in the mirror and we see the wrinkles on our face or the weight that we want to lose. But we can’t see what’s happening on the inside.

Here’s what I’m saying Your inner life is more impor-tant than your outer life. What’s happening on the inside what’s going on in your emotions, how you feel about your-self, and what you’re allowing to play in your mind is affect-ing what’s happening on the outside.

Sometimes we can’t see what’s poisoning us. We have a blind spot. We look in the mirror and we see the redness or the rash. We look in the mirror and we see the wrinkles on



our face or the weight that we want to lose. But we can’t see what’s happening on the inside.

How about you? Are you like that young man? It’s time to get honest with yourself.

You are responsible for your own emo-tional well-being. It’s not up to anyone else. Your spouse can’t keep your soul healthy. No one including your doc-tor, your pastor, or your parents has control over your soul except you.

In one sense, not even God has that control. He’s not going to force you to not worry. He’s not going to force you to forgive someone. He’s not going to force you not live an-gry, offended, and stressed. Those are choices you have to make.

My question for you is: Is your soul healthy?

There was a man who owned a stable full of horses. One day when he was out riding his favorite horse, he saw a large tree limb had fallen across the trail. His horse jumped over it, but it badly scraped one of its back legs. The man took the horse to the barn and cleaned the wound, put some antiseptic on it, and wrapped it up.

A couple of weeks later, he noticed the horse was still bothered by it. The veterinarian came and looked at the wound and put the horse on antibiotics. The horse began to improve.

But two months later, the infection returned, and this time it was worse than ever. His horse could barely walk. They started another round of antibiotics, and again the wound be-gan to heal. But three months later, the infection returned.

The owner finally decided to take the horse to the clinic

to get a better evaluation of what was going on. The horse was put under anesthesia, and the veterinarian opened up the wound. He found a chunk of wood about the size of a golf ball buried way up in the horse’s leg.

That’s why every time the horse went off the antibiotics, the infection came back. They were treating the symptoms, but until they went deeper, until they got to the root of the problem, it wasn’t going away.

We treat the symptoms because we see the symptoms. It’s obvious. “My skin is red and flaky. I need some medication.” But we have to go deeper. We have to deal with the root.

The good news is: You can con-trol what’s in your soul. You can’t con-trol what happened to you You can’t control what someone did to you But you can control how you respond to it, what you choose to dwell on, and what your attitude will be.

The Bible says it this way: “A happy heart is good medi-cine, and a cheerful mind works wonders.”

Take Dr. Jeff’s word for it a cheerful mind works won-ders!


Stanley Park

July Carillon Concert

The Carillon concert for July, will be presented on Sunday, July 21st from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Stanley Park’s Carilloneur will offer a variety of music from the Carillon Tower. Find a park bench, sit and enjoy the music as it drifts through the Park.

Blandford Cultural Council

Call for Local Artists

The Blandford Cultural Council is looking for Artisans who would like to exhibit in our Show & Sale August 24, and 25 at the Blandford Country Club.

Contact Susan Racine at for an entry form or more information

Stanley Park

75th Anniversary Celebration

Stanley Park is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this August 17th with a big day long celebration and are in need of unique vehicles take part in our “Touch a Truck” program taking place from 10:00 2:00. If you have a cool vehicle that the kids will love that you don’t mind them touching we’d love to have you! There is a suggested donation of $10 per vehicle.

There will also be a classic car show taking place from 10:00am 2:00pm that day which more cars, trucks and motorcycles are needed for. There is a $10 donation per vehicle entered and we ask that you register in advance.

To see a full list of events please visit

Jam Session

Join us for Jam Sessions every Thursday from 6pm-9pm in the Southwick Meeting House located at 222 College Highway (formerly Christ Methodist Church). For more info please call Bob Fox at 413-579-4585. Open to all and any age. All fun and no pressure. Explore your talent or come to listen to some good music.

To include your event, please send information by the 1st of the month. We will print as many listings as space allows. Our usual publication date is around the 10th of the month. Email to:

Southwick Rotary

Southwick Rotary Concert Series

FREE summer concert series scheduled on Wednesdays (6 to 9 pm) during the months of July and August at Whalley Park, Southwick. Attendees are requested to bring lawn chairs for seating. Food trucks are being scheduled, and soft and alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase. Attendees are allowed to bring personal snacks and nonalcoholic drinks.

July 17 Brass Attack, best high-energy horn band with classics from Chicago Cheap Trick, KC and the Sunshine Band, to Bruce Springsteen, Steely Dan, and Bruno Mars.

July 24 Cobblestone Road, modern, energetic nineties band bring the fire back to country music.

July 31 General Gist, a high-energy rock and blues band.

August 7 91 South, classic rock, Stones, Doors, Billy Joel, Bon Jovi, and AC/DC.

August 14 Wild Heart Tribute Band to Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac, the music, the legacy, and more!

August 21 Blue Devil Bluez, a blend of rhythm and blues, rock, originals, ballads, and boggie.

August 28 King Saison, eclectic, jam, folk, country, jazz, and rock selections.

For information on the Club, visit, Facebook, or contact President Bob Fox at 413 579 4585 or

Southwick Public Library

July “Summer Reading”


July 18: 2:15pm - Artful Mechanisms - For Ages 5 and up with a caregiver. An exciting Make and Take program, brought to us by Playful Engineers. Children will receive instructions on how to build using unconventional materials to create moving mechanisms!

July 24: 3:30pm Pop Up Art Coral Reef Sculpture - For Ages 8 and up. Transform recycled materials into a vibrant coral reef, with splashes of colorful paint and crafty bits. Craft an underwater scene that’s truly splash-tacular! Get ready to explore a sea of fun! Registration Required.

July 30: 4:30pm Hands on Nature “Big Predators” - For Ages 5 and up. Bears, coyotes, wolves, oh my! Learn which large wild predators are left in MA and which have been extirpated. Understand food chains and “survival of the fittest”. Includes a fun predator/prey activity!

Contact Molly Encarnacion 413-569-1221


July 17: 5pm - Felted Whales - Create your own mini felted whale! Registration is required as supplies are limited.

July 24: 6PM Cherry Blossom Painting with Pop Up Art - Join us to create your own beautiful cherry blossom painting. Registration is required as spots are limited.

Contact Lynn Blair 413-569-1221 or





traprock driveways built & repaired. Gravel, loam, fill deliveries. Tractor services, equipment moved, York Rake. Bill Armstrong Trucking. 413-531-0498.

DELREO HOME IMPROVEMENT for all your exterior home improvement needs, ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS, DOORS, DECKS & GUTTERS extensive references, fully licensed & insured in MA & CT. Call Gary Delcamp 413-569-3733

RECORDS WANTED BY COLLECTOR - Rock & Roll, Country, Jazz of the 50’s and 60’s All speeds. Sorry - no classical, showtunes, polkas or pop. Fair prices paid. No quantity too small or too large. Gerry 860-668-5783 or


Lakeside Property management - For all your landscaping needs. Mowing, new lawn installs, sod, mulch/stone installation, bush trimming, retaining walls, snow plowing/removal, etc. Serving Southwick, Suffield, Granby, Agawam, Westfield, Simsbury. Residential and commercial. Call Joe 413-885-8376. Give us a call and let us get that property looking the way you want it! Now accepting major credit cards.

St. Jude’s Novena - May the sacred heart of Jesus adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now, and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles pray for us. St. Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude . - GR


A legendary uncharted island exists Beyond the sandy shores of sultry Jamaica A virtual utopia-like paradise to behold ‘Amidst the coconut palms and A profusion of verdurous vegetation Elegant fragrant flora grow As each colorful delicate blossom doth unfold Secluded within a mellifluous graceful waterfall No thundering cataract this. Created by the Almighty One who reigns in Heaven’s bliss. Cascading down like yards of unwinding satin ribbons from a gypsy caravan

From between the craggy rock-strewn cleavage above, Permeating past the lofty prominent escarpment; Coaxed by the pull of gravity and Mother Nature’s gentle shove. Fed by continuous rivulets Originating from its counterpart a confluence of hidden streams The emanating inbound current passes by As if awakened from a whimsical dream A vain ostentatious peacock struts fanning its tail with a ruffling sound; Sightless eyes there upon brilliant colors can be found. Waterlilies float atop the rippling mirrored surface Of the accumulating pond, Outlined in beds of moss and interspersed with both fern and frond No apparent obstruction nor nature-wrought tourniquet To attempt to stop the flow. Obeisant as if bowing forth in reverence Head over heels it goes tumbling splashing into the catch basin below The rhythmic melodious sound like the clicking of castanets Coupled with tap dancers Performing in unison repeatedly upon the aquatic stage. The natives surround their god The waterfall kindred spirits in fellowship they engage The rain season comes through the turnstile, At first a mist-like shower changing into droplets akin To silvery sequins passing through a sieve Semblance of an aspergillum used for a holy water sprinkling, A benediction blessing to give Like a banner o’er the waterfall iridescent Neapolitan rainbows appear Every time the rotating ubiquitous sun draws near Lo this enchanting awe-inspiring wonder In this exotic land.

By Clifton (Jerry) Noble, Sr.

In the mid 1950s work with my Department of Public Works survey party, puppet shows, and increasing social activity pre-cluded journal keeping. Thus, only expense pages and records of job progress are all I have to jog memory.

In a coffee shop a cup cost ten cents and I could treat my three men for 40 to 70 cents even if someone had a doughnut or English muf-fin. Coffee was plenty for my 120-pound phy-sique, especially during the first part of the year when I was plagued by a slight but persistent tendency to diarrhea. For remedy I tried parego-ric. That was no help nor was Coca Cola syrup, available at 80 cents to a dollar a bottle, which one of my men suggested. That started a tooth cavity. A cousin loaned Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit by Adelle Davis which led me to suspect vi-tamin B deficiency. By December I acquired a bottle of Rybutol (vitamin B complex,$4.95) and my trouble went away over night

Construction of seven bridges in Hamp-den and one on Crane Hill Road in Wilbraham continued. They were completed and sideline bounds set in July. At Mill Road a laborer, who could have modeled for Charles Atlas, worked in swim briefs during sunny weather. I mar-veled at how he could pick up granite bounds which must have weighed nearly 200 pounds and throw them into holes he dug.

Before final payment could be made to the contractor we had to measure everything to ver-ify that it had been built according to plan.

In some cases stream beds had been made deeper especially at South Monson Road in Hampden. Although I was chief of party, it was easier for me to turn over notebook keeping to Tom Cooney, my transitman, and get level rod readings in hip-deep water under the bridge in Coronado swim briefs than to make the Depart-ment haul out a rowboat for those few elevations. Although upstream the Scantic River valley was loaded with snakes, I didn’t see one while wad-ing. The lady clerk from the corner coffee shop came the short distance to the bridge to see what was going on.

I was paid three cents a mile for using my new, 6-cylinder Ford to transport crew and equipment rather than have the state supply a carryall. This car proved to be a lemon with one breakdown after another until Westfield Ford replaced it by an 8-cylinder model with exact-ly the same body and color. During the transi-tion one of the mechanics loaned me his older car. Gas station attendants gave me more sym-pathetic attention than when I was driving my new cars.

Other prices were for overshoes,$6.50, hair-cut, $1.00, daily newspaper, 5 cents, Sunday pa-per, 17 cents. Yearly rent for my post office box in Russell was $1.20. Postage stamps were 3 cents each, a guitar book, $1.50, a 33 rpm Chet Atkins record, $3.98. I had paid another survey chief $15 for his guitar. He told me the crack in its back came from hitting his wife in the rear with it. After learning a lot of Gene Autry songs, I was in demand to sing them Saturday nights at the farm of my late father’s cousin on Main Road, Montgomery. I even played and sang briefly with a local band.

A 1,000 ft. reel of single-strand fence wire, $3.95 (not barbed) got strung to mark two prop-erty lines of my 30-acre wood lot. Of 100 Nor-way spruce seedlings ($7.65) I gave half a dozen to my neighbor across the road, and they did more to mask the front of his house than the other 94 did to fill up my woods.

Yearly property taxes for about 40 acres and 3 smallish buildings were $131.56.

Although much survey time got spent on the reconstructing Hampden bridges washed out by the 1955 flood,we surveyed River Road in Agawam, Boston, Fernbank and Pasco roads in Springfield, East Mountain Road, Union Street underpass in Westfield and the Main Street bridge over Little River. Then there was Aga-wam Avenue in West Springfield. In spring, summer and fall outdoor survey could be fun. Winter wasn’t too bad if the temperature stayed around 30 degrees.

In August the offer of a free lesson snagged me into nine more ballroom dance lessons for $251 at the Arthur Murray studio in Spring-field. If I remember right, after the step lesson, there was a social dance to finish the evening. I was 31 years old and had graduated from 4-year high school at age 16. Imagine the surprise to meet my freshman civics teacher, Rachel Ripley, at that first social. Before my nine lessons ran out there was Hal-loween costume party. I wore jeans, snaps shirt, cowboy hat and boots, and didn’t have far to walk along Main Street from my car park to the studio. I met Rita and her friend and gave them a ride home. Friend took my picture which I was later shown in the waiting room album.

For a decade I’d been too busy for dating, but I started picking up Rita for supper (with tip = $4.25) and movies at her walled villa on Spring-field’s south highland. She and her widowed mother ran a store near Winchester Square. We saw “Around the World in 80 Days” and “Rain-tree County.”I even took her to the Public Works Christmas party. She had been an Arthur Mur-ray instructor and danced fabulously. I was just good enough to show her off and she made quite an impression. She was a few years older than I and we drifted apart.

Clif Williston, our neighbor up the moun-tain, died in September and we got flowers from Mrs. Pomeroy at Craighurst Gardens in Russell. Also my mother attended the Eastern States Ex-position. Admission was $1.25.

As chief of survey party I was earning $111 a week. 5%($5.55) was a contribution to retire-ment fund. $15.30 went for federal withholding tax leaving net pay of $90.15. I felt rich.

July 2013

Looking Back

at 1957

I invite you to exam-ine the world just outside of your window. Distance yourself from technology for just a moment and envelop yourself in the multifaceted beauty of the out-doors. Look at the minute details in the land-scape, from the grooves in the trees to the ani-mals roaming the earth. Open the window and listen carefully to the cheerful songs of the birds and the gentle swaying of the trees in the wind. Take deep breaths of the crisp air and smell the different fragrances of the natural world, wheth-er it is the earthy smell of falling rain on dry soil or the lovely aroma of flowers blooming nearby. As you do this, be mindful of the feelings you experience; do you feel relaxed? Relieved? Ful-filled? Joyful? Let these feelings wash over you and rejuvenate your mind and body.

What I guided you through just now is a glimpse into the Japanese art of shinrin-yoku, which translates to “forest bathing” or “absorb-ing the forest atmosphere”. It is the act of simply spending time in nature and immersing your senses in it, allowing the sights, sounds, smells, physical sensations, and even tastes that you ex-perience to bring you toward a more centered and relaxed state. Most commonly, it involves spending an extended period in a forest or any other natural landscape in no rush, taking notice of each wondrous detail that piques the interest of your senses and your curiosity. In doing this, you are building a bond between you and the natural world, fostering inner peace and strong overall health. Though this may sound like a na-ture walk and nothing more, shinrin-yoku is a powerful solution to ease the stress of our daily lives. Humanity has lived alongside nature for as long as it has existed on Earth, and thus peo-ple naturally reap benefits from embracing na-ture that directly counteract the harmful effects our modern society burdens us with.

The Woes of a Modern World

Just what are these “harmful effects,” howev-er? To answer this, we must first recognize that the world is becoming progressively more ur-banized; according to the World Bank, roughly 56% of the world’s population-4.4 billion people live in cities, with urban populations expected to more than double in number by 2050. In this modern era, humans are constantly surround-ed by various stressors, from the constant buzz of cell phones, televisions, and other screens around every corner to the cityscapes filled with metallic buildings and structures that seem to stretch as far as the eye can see. Even in more rural areas such as Southwick, the reach of these stressors is seemingly inescapable, with soci-ety’s technological advancements having been incorporated into every aspect of our lives. Of course, one cannot deny the immense beneficial impact technology has had on our society, but it is equally undeniable that it can be a detriment to our health as well. Technology use is consis-tently attributed to an increase in mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders, and the constant barrage of notifica-tions from social media and news outlets leaves us feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.

The Science Behind a Solution

Fortunately, shinrin-yoku has the therapeu-tic power to stop these consequences in their tracks. Shinrin-yoku was first named and devel-oped by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 1982 as a response to the stress and anxiety that stemmed from grow-ing urbanization and technological advance-ments in Japan. Since then, numerous scientific studies from professionals both in Japan and around the world have produced significant evi-dence that demonstrates shinrin-yoku’s ability to heal many of the physical, mental, and emo-tional struggles we as humans frequently suffer from.

For instance, one 2007 study headed by Bum-Jin Park of the Forestry and Forest Research Institute in Ibaraki, Japan, on the physiologi-cal effects of shinrin-yoku had one group of six participants walk around a city area for twenty minutes in the forenoon and sit down and ad-mire the land-scape for twen-ty minutes in the afternoon. Meanwhile, an-other group of six participants did the same in a forest area. The groups then switched settings the following day for a cross-examination. Throughout the experiment, cerebral activity in the prefrontal area as well as salivary cortisol (a hormone known to induce stress) were measured as physiological indices in the morning before the experiment, before and after walking around the city or forest, be-fore and after watching the city or forest land-scapes, and at night before the participants went to sleep. The results of the experiment indicated that cerebral activity was much lower after walk-ing in the forest than after walking in the city, and the concentration of salivary cortisol was also significantly reduced after viewing the for-est landscape as opposed to the city landscape. The conclusion that can be made from this study is that shinrin-yoku is highly effective at easing stress and relaxing your mind and body alike.

Much of what is known about the positive benefits of shinrin-yoku has stemmed from the research of Dr. Qing Li, who is a medical doctor and clinical professor at Nippon Medical School Hospital in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, the Presi-dent of the Japanese Society of Forest Therapy, and widely regarded as the founder of forest medicine. Among his experiments, he has prov-en that a day trip to a forest or natural biome can boost the immune system by enhancing the amount and strength of NK cells in the body, which are white blood cells that destroy infect-ed and cancerous cells. He also determined the ability of shinrin-yoku to lower blood pressure by reducing parasympathetic nerve activity.

Although there are far too many to fit into one article, myriad other fascinating studies on the effects of shinrin-yoku on humans have been conducted that prove it can help lift depression, improve concentration and memory, improve cardiovascular and metabolic health, and much more. Nature’s healing power is truly remark-able!

Shinrin-Yoku and Southwick

To take advantage of these health benefits, how exactly should you perform shinrin-yoku? Though exploring a forest is the most effective way to do so, the simple answer is any way you would like! At its core, shinrin-yoku is all about finding fulfillment in nature by immersing the senses within its splendor, and this can be done anywhere from a personal garden to a city park. Should you be looking for an ideal location to engage in shinrin-yoku, however, I am proud to offer a solution unique to Southwick. As part of the Diversified Learning Experience (DLE) pro-gram at Southwick Regional School, I participat-ed in an internship at the Southwick Conserva-tion Commission during the second semester of my senior year. During my tenure as an assistant to Ms. Sabrina Pooler, the Conservation Coordi-nator, I extensively researched shinrin-yoku and its impacts on physical and mental health and how it could be properly incorporated into the Southwick community. My research has culmi-nated in developing a shinrin-yoku trail within the town-owned Sofinowski Property at 155 Mort Vining Rd, Southwick, MA. Various signs will be installed along the trail to incite walkers to engage their senses with Sofinowski’s natural qualities, thus encouraging them to embrace the beauty of the local flora and fauna, connect to the pleasant sounds of the forest and its inhabit-ants, feel the soothing flow of a river, and be-yond. As my plan for this trail comes to fruition over the coming months, I invite you to take a few hours to visit the property and appreciate the land that makes up the heart and soul of our quaint town. In doing so, you will quickly dis-cover that planet Earth has everything you need to raise your mind and body to new heights, and that shinrin-yoku is the key to a healthier you and a happier life.

by Janice Baronian

Dickey Bird and Fox from puppet show with “Dividing Flames for Christmas” - Drawing by the author

by Lucas Caron

By Michael Dubilo

The month of July reveals blooms of vivid colors, right here in Western Mass. Let us all re-lax, breathe deep, and slow, and visualize a col-or-laden story sprinkled with nuggets of truth.

National Memorial Day was televised honor-ing the military service and sacrifice of the men and women in the US armed forces. Behold, then, before your eyes reader, the hill before men and women of war. Not a welcoming sight, however a mighty engagement battles for the treasured prize: Freedom. This is symbolized by the bright colors on America’s Flag: Red, White, and Blue. The warfare’s fought, the victory’s won. How-ever, be alert! Freedom is not free. Stand up and lay hold of our life giving freedom every day. Get involved, and show your colors, our pre-cious America needs you right now. When men and women see the demand, they join together in peace and fight for righteousness. Our combat veterans did and many shed the color red for the United States of America. salute all participants with enlightened spirits of gratitude.

We all look forward to the July 4th display of Fireworks.

Man-made fireworks are illuminated with colors by pure chemistry. That’s because they’re created by the use of metal salts. Naturally, these salts are different from table salt. Chem-istry ‘salt’ refers to any compound that contains metal and non-metal atoms. Most of these com-pounds produce intense colors when they burn, which makes them ideal for fireworks.

Ingredients, like potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal are useful to help the fireworks burn. While nitrates, chlorates, and perchlorates provide oxygen for the combustion of the fuel. Dextrin, often used as a starch, holds the mix-ture together. The application of chlorine donors strengthens a variety of colors.

After a firework ignites, a lift charge propels it into the sky. That’s just explosive black powder in a confined space that, when lit, causes a fast increase of heat and gas that can send a firework as high as 1,000 feet (300 meters) into the air.

Chemistry, mixed and made by men and women for our viewing pleasure.

Burst of colors in front of a black sky, Wow.

On the other hand, we experience an aurora, also commonly known as the Northern Lights. A genuine light display found in Earth’s sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions. Auroras illustrate dynamic patterns of brilliant lights that appear as curtains, rays, spirals, or dynamic flickers covering the entire sky.

We believe God created this beautiful spec-tacle, the Northern Lights. The natural prop-erties and behavior of matter are caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with the Earth’s magnetic field

Man-made or God-made, both provide en-lightenment to our eyes. One costs a deal of money, while nature’s sight is a gift to all.

Susanna, my colorful and fruitful wife, loves parades. Commu-nities around our free nation, gather to watch the flow of characters walking along a set course. Smiling faces on the outside and minds filled with the price of human sacrifices, the freedom that was fought for, and the party of friends that awaits, cheering them on. Some of the best picnics are on the 4th of July. Good, treasured friends, Bob and Pat of the Wyben area of Westfield invite Susanna and me to join friends for conversation, the Wyben July 4th pa-rade, and of course delicious food. Creative, col-orful floats and participants line up and march right in front of the Allen House in a peaceful, country setting. A family picture taken in 2023 captures joy and colors. Candy treats are tossed out, and gathered by grandkids and adults who are bold enough to enjoy sweet delights. Thank you, parade and party organizers.

Is it time to work on a tan? Healthy and en-riched-looking skin is a must for me. Contact with ultraviolet rays of light (UV rays) can be good or bad. Natural oils on your skin transport Vitamin D internally for applied use. The main function of Vitamin D is to help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, helping to prevent osteoporosis, falls, and fractures in older adults. With that said, avoid washing your skin before sun exposure. Sensitive skin and light-hair can-didates should remain cautious outside. Protect your eyes with quality sunglasses.

The two types of UV rays are UV-A and UV-B. Your skin has three major layers: epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. UV-A is the type of light that makes the skin tan. It reach-es the lower layers of the epidermis, triggering your outer covering to produce a brown pig-ment called melanin. Melanin is made by cells called melanocytes. Melanin is your skin’s effort to block the damage that UV-A rays cause. The more you expose it to the sun, the more melanin your body produces.

UV-B rays cause sunburn. They burn just the upper layers of the epidermis. A warning to all, be diligent with skin exposed to the sun. Avoid getting “burned.”

The heat is on for another season of active, outdoor enjoyment. July and August are the best times to visit the coastal or summery destina-tions, including Cape Cod, Maine’s coastline, Rhode Island, and pretty much any beach town. You are sure to find the most, pleasurable, au-thentic seasonal experience. Summertime al-lows the best and warmest weather for beach days, and all businesses will be open, promoting useful products. Enjoy watching colorful boats sailing the waters, color-splashed beach wear or just gaze at the natural movements of the lake, ocean, sky, and our fellow human beings.

By the way, July is National Blueberry Month. Packed with loads of nutrients, these deep, blue beauties are a good source of manganese, vita-mins C, K1, and antioxidants. These small, blue balls also provide small amounts of copper, as well as vitamins E and B6. Studies reveal human bloodstreams will be enlightened with nourish-ment. Your body will thank you for the flow of goodness.

Our second annual Open Farm Day will be Sunday August 18, from 10 am to 4 pm. We are so pleased to say “second annual” because it means we have created something that will live on for years to come!

We also are more than pleased that Open Farm Day 2024 will be co-sponsored by the Southwick Economic Development Commis-sion and the Southwick Land Trust. Collabora-tion is an important way to make things happen!

What is Open Farm Day? Simply put, it’s an opportunity for you to get a behind-the-scenes look at our lo-cal farms. Have you ever been inside a tobacco barn? Did you ever pet a goat? Would you like to take a hayride? Have you seen how an au-tomated greenhouse works? How about kids in your family? Would they like to have a pony ride or a hayride or try veggie-shaped cookies?

All these activities and more will be avail-able from 10 am - 4 pm Sunday Aug. 18. Admis-sion is free, and we encourage people of all ages to attend!

Southwick Open Farm Day is designed to promote Southwick farms, raise awareness of farm operations, build respect for the work our farmers do and, of course, to have some fun! Volunteers will be on hand at each location to help with parking and other logistics.

Ten farms are participating this year: Blossoming Acres, Calabrese Farm, Coward Farm, Arnold To-bacco Farm & Sun-flower Stand, Fire-fly Fields Farm, Klineview Stables, Solek Farm, and Bisi Farm. In addi-tion, the Southwick History Museum will showcase the town’s farm-ing history. The Hampden County Improvement League will be at the museum to provide information about 4-H and the agricul-tural scholarships and grants they provide.

Of the ten participants, two are new: Second Eden Farm is Southwick’s newest farm, and will provide a look at how a farm is built and offer activities for kids, as well. Another “newcomer” is GranVal Scoop in Granville, an area landmark so really not new at all! They will have animals to visit, wagon rides and, of course, ice cream!

Here’s how it will work: Pick up an Open Farm Day “passport” at any of the participat-ing locations, and get a sticker showing that you were there. (Passports are optional, but they help you plan your day.) The passport will di-rect you to all the Open Farm Day locations, and you’ll get a sticker at each place you visit. Here’s a tip you probably can’t get to all the farms! Also, we are not offering prize drawings this year the farms are the prizes!

You may have seen Open Farm Day bro-chures around town at the participating farms, businesses, the library, and Town Hall. We are very pleased with the enthusiasm we’re seeing around town for the event! See you on Open Farm Day!

The month of July, with its long days and warm nights, is synonymous with summer fes-tivities and patriotic celebrations. However, the history of July is as rich and enduring as the legacy of the man it honors—Julius Caesar. This article delves into the origins of July’s name, the Julian calendar, and the myths surrounding Caesar’s birth, all of which are intricately woven into the tapestry of our modern calendar.

July was once known as Quintilis, the fifth month in the ancient Roman calendar. It was a time without the pomp and grandeur it holds today, merely a marker of time in the Roman year. The transformation of Quintilis into July is a testament to Julius Caesar’s profound im-pact on history. Renamed posthumously in his honor, July commemorates Caesar’s birth month and his unparalleled contributions to the Ro-man state.

Julius Caesar’s family, the Julii Caesares, were part of the first imperial dynasty of Rome, which included the notorious emperors Cal-igula and Nero. This dynasty, known as the Julio-Claudian, was a blend of two powerful families—the Julii and the Claudii. Their rule marked the beginning of the Roman Empire, a period of unprecedented expansion and cultural achievement.

The name Caesar itself became synonymous with power, a title adopted by subsequent em-perors and echoed in the cognates ‘Kaiser’ and ‘Tsar’. The legacy of the Julii Caesares is a story of ambition, triumph, and ultimately, tragedy, as the dynasty ended with Nero’s demise.

Caesar, a statesman and general, not only conquered vast territories but also instituted sweeping reforms. His most enduring legacy, however, may be his reform of the Roman calen-dar. The Julian calendar, introduced by Caesar, was a pioneering shift from a lunar to a solar-based system. It established the 365-day year with an additional day every four years, creat-ing the leap year. This system corrected the pre-vious calendar’s misalignment with the seasons and laid the groundwork for the calendar we use today.

The early Roman calendar was a convoluted system with an intercalary month added incon-sistently, leading to significant discrepancies over time. Caesar’s introduction of the Julian calendar was a monumental leap forward. By adding days to align the calendar year with the solar year, Caesar brought predictability and or-der to Roman timekeeping. This reform not only facilitated agricultural planning but also stan-dardized religious observances and civic duties.

The Julian calendar’s leap year was a novel concept that accounted for the extra quarter-day it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun each year. This foresight ensured that festivals and seasons re-mained consistent over the centuries. However, even this advanced system wasn’t perfect, and it would eventually require further refinement.

The Gregorian calendar, the one we still use today, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, was a refinement of the Julian calendar. It ad-dressed the slight overestimation of the solar year in the Julian system by adjusting the leap year rules, preserving the integrity of Caesar’s vision and stands as a reminder of the Roman Empire’s far-reaching influence.

One of the most colorful myths about Julius Caesar is his supposed birth by Caesarean sec-tion. This tale, while intriguing, is a historical inaccuracy. During Caesar’s time, the procedure was performed only when the mother had died during childbirth. Since Caesar’s mother, Au-relia, lived well beyond his birth, the story is easily debunked. Instead “Caesarean section” may have derived from the Latin word ‘cadere’, meaning ‘to cut’, rather than any association with Caesar himself. Nonetheless, the myth persists, illustrating the blend of fact and fiction that often accompanies historical figures of such stature.

The month of July, with its jubilant holidays and historical significance, is a fitting tribute to Julius Caesar. From the renaming of Quintilis to the establishment of the Julian calendar, Cae-sar’s influence is indelibly etched into the fabric of time and as we celebrate the month of July, we not only partake in modern festivities but also honor the memory of one of history’s most influ-ential figures. Julius Caesar’s legacy is not con-fined to the annals of history; it is a living part of our daily lives, each time we mark a date on our calendars. In this way, the spirit of Julius Caesar endures, as eternal as the days of July that bear his name.

With the 4th of July holiday right behind us, when this month’s issue of Southwoods maga-zine reaches mailboxes It shouldn’t lessen not only the importance of this holiday but more so the unique location of our town(s) with so much 18th Century & Revolutionary events and peo-ple who took part in that monumental time in world history.

One of the earliest examples of our town’s perspective would be that, we were on the path of General Henry Knox’ and his army’s march from N.Y. (After our win at Fort Ticonderoga) down into Massachusetts from Alford, lead-ing into both Russel into Westfield, then onto W.Springfield onward to Boston. A mighty feat traveling through the Berkshires during the winter of 1775 and moving 59 cannons, So General Washington could give the Brits a rude awakening in 1776.

From our Neighboring towns like Westfield and Granville to those in nearby Con-necticut all giving up their eligible youth and fathers to families, Southwick was nonetheless patriotic in offering up 78 men to fight for the cause of liberty and 24 of them are buried in our old cemetery.

In Sandisfield, Massachusetts, Capt Daniel Brown’s tavern and New Boston Inn, actually trained local regiments during the Revolution-ary War from 1775 1789. Our neighboring town of East Granby, Ct had their New Gate cop-per mining prospect, now turned into a prison for Redcoasts and traitors.

In Connecticut, near New Milford, you had the once notable Washington Oak tree where Gen. Washington more than once stopped for lunch, from New York to Hartford. And one of these less cordial though important stops was to discuss with Marquis de Lafayette, who laid the decisive siege of Yorktown, in 1781. I was lucky to have visited this 300-year-old historic tree over 30 years ago before it got knocked down.

Also taking place in 1781 and in Connecticut, is the famous Joseph Webb House in Wethers-field, where Washington and Compte de Ro-chambeau planned the final battle in the Revo-lutionary War.

However, during these trying times of the Revolutionary War, it wasn’t just in Boston or New York where the political strife of debate and treason crossed paths with those who were called Torys or To-ries, that sided with the Motherland of Britain instead of a new-found ‘America’ . In both cases, after the famous battle of Saratoga in 1777, and being marched to Boston, to be sold into slavery. A Scotsman, fighting on behalf of the redcoats escaped and returned to Chester, Massachu-setts to marry Fannie Holland, the daughter of James Holland, a leading figure in town; and one of the reasons the town changed its name to Chester from Murryfield, be-yond other Brit-ish loyalty ties. The other case of traitorship hap-pened in Canton, CT when at least 20% of one par-ticular Hessian detachment of soldier-prison-ers disappeared between Sims-bury & Canton. Claims that they were kidnapped by lonesome and widowed women.

Beyond all of these many cases of close revo-lutionary ties during that time in American his-tory, and far more too numerous to include in this article. I want to remind readers of the leg-end of the French accountant soldier who was bringing gold to pay the French troops In Sara-toga, who mysteriously disappeared between Simsbury and Canton, and later was seen at night riding towards Albany, the headless rider, that I’ve mentioned in the past, our very own headless horsemen.

Finally, after the Revolutionary War, an an-gry ex-veteran Captain Daniel Shay, and a group of fellow soldiers took up arms against our then-new Government of both Massachusetts and the United States of New America, over the debt cri-sis, and naturally high land taxes between 1786 and 87’. With a group of 1,500 farmers, they marched on debtors’ courts and forced them to close, and after an attempt to seize weapons from the armory in Springfield. After the last battle in New Barrington, 200 rebels were captured and tried for treason and sentenced to death, though later pardoned by John Hancock, after he was elected governor.

Washington Oak in New Milford Connecticut. It was believed to have been the site of a staff meet-ing by George Washington during the Revolution-ary War. The tree died in 2003.

Capt Daniel Brown’s tavern and New Boston Inn. Sandisfield, MA

The Joseph Webb House. The place where the last major battle in the Revo-lutionary War, the Siege of Yorktown, was planned.

Gravestone of Timothy Noble, a Southwick Revolutionary War Veteran.

Revolutionary War reenactment in Sandisfield, Massachusetts

A Tribute to Julius Caesar and the Evolution of Our Calendar

By Burt Hansen, Chair, Southwick AgCom


One Easter Sunday, I met a woman who looked like she was in her 80s. It came as a shock to me when she said she was 102 years old. It wasn’t just that she looked as healthy as could be that threw me off. It was that she was so full of joy, her mind was so sharp, and she was having such a good time with everyone around her.

She waited in line to meet me after the ser-vice and, when I found out she was 102, I asked her if she wanted me to pull up a chair for her. “I don’t need to sit down,” she said with a big grin. “I’ll sit down when I get old.”

She explained that she was from out of town, just visiting for the Easter weekend. Lat-er, as she walked out the door, she turned and said, “See you next Easter!” And I fully expect that God will give her another year!

I thought to myself, Over the past 102 years she must have had more than her share of tough times. But here she is still young at heart and full of energy.

What’s the key to feeling young at any age? Pay attention to your inner life.

I know a man who was in his 20s when he developed a redness between his eyes and all around the top of his face. It made his skin itchy and flaky, and it made him very self-conscious. He tried creams and lotions and special soap, but noth-ing helped. He went to a derma-tologist who gave him a prescription, but the redness never went away.

A couple of years went by, and it wasn’t getting any better. Finally, he tried a different doctor. The new doctor said, “I know exactly what’s causing this. It’s stress. You’re wound too tight. You have too much pressure in your life. I can give you more medication, but until you change, until you get more balanced, it’s not going away.”

But this young man thought, I can handle the stress. I can do it all. I’m fine.

Sometimes we can’t see what’s poisoning us. We have a blind spot. We look in the mirror and we see the redness or the rash. We look in the mirror and we see the wrinkles on our face or the weight that we want to lose. But we can’t see what’s happening on the inside.

Here’s what I’m saying Your inner life is more important than your outer life. What’s happening on the inside what’s going on in your emotions, how you feel about yourself, and what you’re allowing to play in your mind is affecting what’s happening on the outside.

Sometimes we can’t see what’s poisoning us. We have a blind spot. We look in the mirror and we see the redness or the rash. We look in the mirror and we see the wrinkles on our face or the weight that we want to lose. But we can’t see what’s happening on the inside.

How about you? Are you like that young man? It’s time to get honest with yourself.

You are responsible for your own emotion-al well-being. It’s not up to anyone else. Your spouse can’t keep your soul healthy. No one including your doctor, your pastor, or your parents has control over your soul except you.

In one sense, not even God has that control. He’s not going to force you to not worry. He’s not going to force you to forgive someone. He’s not going to force you not live angry, offended, and stressed. Those are choices you have to make.

My question for you is: Is your soul healthy?

There was a man who owned a stable full of horses. One day when he was out riding his favorite horse, he saw a large tree limb had fallen across the trail. His horse jumped over it, but it badly scraped one of its back legs. The man took the horse to the barn and cleaned the wound, put some antiseptic on it, and wrapped it up.

A couple of weeks later, he noticed the horse was still bothered by it. The veterinarian came and looked at the wound and put the horse on antibiotics. The horse began to improve.

But two months later, the infection returned, and this time it was worse than ever. His horse could barely walk. They started another round of antibiotics, and again the wound began to heal. But three months later, the infection re-turned.

The owner finally decided to take the horse to the clinic to get a better evaluation of what was going on. The horse was put under an-esthesia, and the veterinarian opened up the wound. He found a chunk of wood about the size of a golf ball buried way up in the horse’s leg.

That’s why every time the horse went off the antibiotics, the infection came back. They were treating the symptoms, but until they went deeper, until they got to the root of the problem, it wasn’t going away.

We treat the symptoms because we see the symptoms. It’s obvious. “My skin is red and flaky. I need some medication.” But we have to go deeper. We have to deal with the root.

The good news is: You can control what’s in your soul. You can’t control what happened to you You can’t control what someone did to you But you can control how you respond to it, what you choose to dwell on, and what your attitude will be.

The Bible says it this way: “A happy heart is good medicine, and a cheerful mind works wonders.”

Take Dr. Jeff’s word for it a cheerful mind works wonders!

Have a

Healthy Soul

Blandford Cultural Council

Call for Local Artists

The Blandford Cultural Council is looking for Artisans who would like to exhibit in our Show & Sale August 24, and 25 at the Blandford Country Club.

Contact Susan Racine at for an entry form or more information

Stanley Park

75th Anniversary Celebration

Stanley Park is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this August 17th with a big day long celebration and are in need of unique vehicles take part in our “Touch a Truck” program taking place from 10:00 2:00. If you have a cool vehicle that the kids will love that you don’t mind them touching we’d love to have you! There is a suggested donation of $10 per vehicle.

There will also be a classic car show taking place from 10:00am 2:00pm that day which more cars, trucks and motorcycles are needed for. There is a $10 donation per vehicle entered and we ask that you register in advance.

To see a full list of events please visit

Jam Session

Join us for Jam Sessions every Thursday from 6pm-9pm in the Southwick Meeting House located at 222 College Highway (formerly Christ Methodist Church). For more info please call Bob Fox at 413-579-4585. Open to all and any age. All fun and no pressure. Explore your talent or come to listen to some good music.

To include your event, please send information by the 1st of the month. We will print as many listings as space allows. Our usual publication date is around the 10th of the month. Email to:

Stanley Park

July Carillon Concert

The Carillon concert for July, will be presented on Sunday, July 21st from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Stanley Park’s Carilloneur will offer a variety of music from the Carillon Tower. Find a park bench, sit and enjoy the music as it drifts through the Park.

Southwick Rotary

Southwick Rotary Concert Series

FREE summer concert series scheduled on Wednesdays (6 to 9 pm) during the months of July and August at Whalley Park, Southwick. Attendees are requested to bring lawn chairs for seating. Food trucks are being scheduled, and soft and alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase. Attendees are allowed to bring personal snacks and nonalcoholic drinks.

July 17 Brass Attack, best high-energy horn band with classics from Chicago Cheap Trick, KC and the Sunshine Band, to Bruce Springsteen, Steely Dan, and Bruno Mars.

July 24 Cobblestone Road, modern, energetic nineties band bring the fire back to country music.

July 31 General Gist, a high-energy rock and blues band.

August 7 91 South, classic rock, Stones, Doors, Billy Joel, Bon Jovi, and AC/DC.

August 14 Wild Heart Tribute Band to Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac, the music, the legacy, and more!

August 21 Blue Devil Bluez, a blend of rhythm and blues, rock, originals, ballads, and boggie.

August 28 King Saison, eclectic, jam, folk, country, jazz, and rock selections.

For information on the Club, visit, Facebook, or contact President Bob Fox at 413 579 4585 or

Southwick Public Library

July “Summer Reading”


July 18: 2:15pm - Artful Mechanisms - For Ages 5 and up with a caregiver. An exciting Make and Take program, brought to us by Playful Engineers. Children will receive instructions on how to build using unconventional materials to create moving mechanisms!

July 24: 3:30pm Pop Up Art Coral Reef Sculpture - For Ages 8 and up. Transform recycled materials into a vibrant coral reef, with splashes of colorful paint and crafty bits. Craft an underwater scene that’s truly splash-tacular! Get ready to explore a sea of fun! Registration Required.

July 30: 4:30pm Hands on Nature “Big Predators” - For Ages 5 and up. Bears, coyotes, wolves, oh my! Learn which large wild predators are left in MA and which have been extirpated. Understand food chains and “survival of the fittest”. Includes a fun predator/prey activity!

Contact Molly Encarnacion 413-569-1221


July 17: 5pm - Felted Whales - Create your own mini felted whale! Registration is required as supplies are limited.

July 24: 6PM Cherry Blossom Painting with Pop Up Art - Join us to create your own beautiful cherry blossom painting. Registration is required as spots are limited.

Contact Lynn Blair 413-569-1221 or




traprock driveways built & repaired. Gravel, loam, fill deliveries. Tractor services, equipment moved, York Rake. Bill Armstrong Trucking. 413-531-0498.

DELREO HOME IMPROVEMENT for all your exterior home improvement needs, ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS, DOORS, DECKS & GUTTERS extensive references, fully licensed & insured in MA & CT. Call Gary Delcamp 413-569-3733

RECORDS WANTED BY COLLECTOR - Rock & Roll, Country, Jazz of the 50’s and 60’s All speeds. Sorry - no classical, showtunes, polkas or pop. Fair prices paid. No quantity too small or too large. Gerry 860-668-5783 or


Lakeside Property management - For all your landscaping needs. Mowing, new lawn installs, sod, mulch/stone installation, bush trimming, retaining walls, snow plowing/removal, etc. Serving Southwick, Suffield, Granby, Agawam, Westfield, Simsbury. Residential and commercial. Call Joe 413-885-8376. Give us a call and let us get that property looking the way you want it! Now accepting major credit cards.

St. Jude’s Novena - May the sacred heart of Jesus adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now, and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles pray for us. St. Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude . - GR