Image by ArjanneBurger from
By Bernadette Gentry
To me, Spring is Granby’s most beautiful season. Song birds have returned. The air smells so fresh and clean, and the white or brown world of Winter changes into the lovely greens and pastel colors of early spring.
Everyone wants to be outdoors in the April sunshine. baseball starts up again and Redsox and Yankee caps replace Winter hats and scarves.
Dogs and dog walkers have a balance in their steps, an everyone seems to greet each other with a smile and a comment on the nice weather.
If it rains, as April is known for spring showers, everyone says, “It will be good for the flowers”.
Sadly, there are only so many Aprils in ones lifetime. So let us be grateful for the privledge to be part of this one, and remember with warmth and love those who will not see this Spring...
By Ed Sourdiffe
The harbingers of Spring are varied and many. We have the usual heralds, the swelling buds on the trees, the daylily leaf tips striving to break the soil surface as soon as they can push through, and the slight, sweet, earthy aroma that wafts about on the occasional warm breeze. Of course way before these things, the sure sign that Spring isn’t impossi-bly far away are the brightly colored gardening cata-logs that arrive almost daily in one’s mail box. While the weather still rages inhospitable outside, we can find reassurance and comfort in the lush pictorial catalogs, brimming full of perfect plants and perfect gardens.
A very nice way to spend an evening can be found by settling in in front of the fire, perusing the pages, absorbing the colorful pictures and planning our upcoming gardens. This has as much of a re-storative nature to the gardener’s soul, as someone who has been lost wandering in a colorless, lifeless dessert, who then stumbles upon a lush oasis and is restored. While this all sounds delightful, remember, as a gardener late winter and early Spring can find you in a vulnerable
state. You are desperate to get that trowel in the ground and get some precious greenery and color back into your life. The seed and plant catalog com-panies know this and know of your pent up desires and will use this to their great advantage and to the detriment of your pocketbook if you aren’t careful. So let’s try and keep our heads about us and not go overboard with our desires to purchase on the spot.
Yes, the pictures are pretty, that new dahlia looks like a fantasy come true, but remember all is not what it seems. The companies have tricks up their sleeves to ensure snagging you. Yes, the pictures are charming, and oh so colorful. But remember that many catalogs enhance the photos, and color satu-rate the images to make the items all the more desir-able. The roses are shown to be almost neon in the depictions. Multicolored flowers have the brightest hues next to one another in the most amazing com-binations. That new privacy bush, or that luxurious lawn mixture, will look the deepest, darkest green. A green that would make any other green plant in the natural world, well, green with envy.
Planning A Spring
In this issue...
Next, find out what form of the plant is shipped, size, age etc. Some catalogs will show you what to actually expect in the mail, either bare root, or potted up. They will tell you how old the plant is, whether it is a rooted cutting, or an established plant in a 2 or 4 inch or gallon pot. Some catalogs won’t show you this. They show you a robust, mature specimen for a price that is the lowest around. But when the plant arrives you find yourself with the tiniest plant barely out of seedling stage.
Before you drain you bank account based on these pictorials, here are some tips to remember when ordering from catalogs. What you see might not exactly be what you get. I ordered a most amaz-ingly colored, repeat blooming daylily. The picture showed a flower with vibrant purple, next to hot pink, next to stunning yellow. When the plant arrived, and after a long wait for the plant to mature and for it to finally bloom, the results were… well less than stun-ning. The colors were there, but they were a tepid, washed out version of the marvel shown in the cata-log.
One that seems to be in need of not only a gar-dener, but an incubator to grow it in. That Giant Se-quoia that you ordered and found to be two inches tall will attain the grandeur of its brethren in the forested groves, but that will literally be in 700 years. As for ordering your plants, if it’s a new source to you, ask around if anyone else uses that company. If that fails, just order a few plants and see what you get. It is better to be disappointed by a few things than a crateful. You will be surprised by the differ-ences in what companies offer when they actually arrive at your door. When looking through catalogs, dream away and enjoy the magic of the imagery. But, when it comes to ordering, buyer beware, so go slow. Also, remember that in a month or so your lo-cal garden center or nursery will be stocked up with much larger plants than are available for shipment through the mail. They will even have that newest lavender and the other plants that you pondered in front of the fireplace.
All this talk of purchasing plants from catalogs has left out one of the most important offerings, the seeds. Here you can find the tried and trues, and the latest, newest varieties to be offered. Because the plants are in seed form, you can find them at a frac-tion of the cost of a mature plant. You can easily fill a garden bed for the price of a few mature plants. I especially like to do this with the more expensive plants - especially the annuals. The New Guinea im-patient is one example. A single plant in a small six inch pot can easily go for around five dollars, which is the price of a packet of many New Guinea seeds.
I am a particular fan of the Wave series of Petu-nias. These also can be a bit pricey, but the vigor with which they grow, the lack of need to dead head, and the continuous colorful display that they put forth until the hardest of frosts, make them very worth-while. So, I choose to grow these from seed also.
At this point you might be saying, “I have tried growing seeds and I get nothing but straggly, ane-mic things.” You probably think that you need a greenhouse to do the job properly. Well that is sim-ply not the case. So here I will give you a simple,
no greenhouse necessary way of growing healthy robust garden center quality plants from seed. Al-though you will need a few things, you will be pleased to know that your monetary investment will be minimal and will assure you of success. The pri-mary item you will need is artificial light, set with a timer for 16 hours a day. You will not need the 250 dollar grow lights that you see for sale.
All you need is the simplest florescent shop light fixture. Find the cheapest ones, the ones without the ability to start up in the cold, because they will always be used in a warm environment. Then you just add a warm white and a cool white florescent bulb. You will know these when they are on because the warm white one will glow pinkish and the cool white one will glow with a distinct blue hue.
Both working together will give you the full spec-trum of light that your seedlings will thrive in. Be-cause the fixture is florescent the 16 hours on a day will not cost too much. You will need to have ad-justable chains on the lights to raise them and keep them at 4 inches above the little plants as they grow. When you get proficient with this set up, at some point invest in a heat mat. Nothing speeds up germi-nation and success rate as bottom heat.
Both working together will give you the full spec-trum of light that your seedlings will thrive in. Be-cause the fixture is florescent the 16 hours on a day will not cost too much. You will need to have ad-justable chains on the lights to raise them and keep them at 4 inches above the little plants as they grow. When you get proficient with this set up, at some point invest in a heat mat. Nothing speeds up germi-nation and success rate as bottom heat.
That’s all you need for successful seed grow-ing. When its time to plant out. Just harden off the seedlings for a couple of weeks in the shade, gradually getting them used to more sun. And there you have it, a garden brimming with new plants, all started by perusing a few plant catalogs. For more on this topic and more plant related topics, go to
Until next time, “You ought to be gardening”!
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No Time Machine Needed
A World War II History Tour - Part Two
The Holocaust Museum we visited has many rooms each dedicated to a different remembrance. One room used images and texts that showed the terror policies against Jews. Another had diary en-tries, letters and final notes from prisoners, a third showed the personal documents and photos of 15 Jewish families in happier times. The Room of Names is dedicated to the 24/7 reading of 33,000 murdered or missing Jews.
By Elaine Adele Aubrey
The author of this article recently returned from a World War II tour of Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland. Those countries offered a unique insight to a historical time period and are her ob-servations of those countries.
No WWII history tour would be compete with-out visiting Berlin, where we saw the centuries-old Brandenburg Gate originally built as the gateway to the City for vehicles and pedestrians. When the Berlin Wall was built, the gate was closed but when the Wall came down it was re-opened. On top of the gate is a two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses with the goddess Victoria standing inside. She holds a lance adorned at the top with a Prussian eagle and Iron Cross and a wreath of oak leaves.
The original Checkpoint Charlie guardhouse now sits in the Allied Museum in Berlin., but a replica is still manned by soldiers for the tourists who walk and shop on Friedrichstrasse, a busy city center.
Throughout our time in Berlin, we saw remnants of the Berlin Wall. One section had many holes in it where people took pieces or chunks for souvenirs. The longest section we saw by bus. It stretched for many city blocks and was covered by artwork. In-vited artists came to Berlin, selected a section and painted a mural on any subject. There were scenes depicting the horrors of war, while others chose sub-jects with happy themes or that represented peace.
We spent hours on foot taking in the street sights of Ber lin and discovered Checkpoint Charlie. After WWII, Berlin was divided with the allied-occupied West on one side of the Berlin Wall and the Russian-held East on the other. Checkpoint Charlie was a West side border crossing with a guardhouse and armed guards manned by allied soldiers monitoring diplomatic and military traffic and warning that you were leaving the American sector.
It remained in operation for nearly three decades but the tiny, prefabricated shack was not considered a permanent or legitimate border. By contrast, the Russians on the East side had guard towers, cement barriers, a shed for vehicle searches and heat scans to find hiding fugitives.
One of the last places we visited in Berlin was the area of the underground bunker where Hitler and his entourage died. This “bunker” was equipped with every convenience and necessity known to man. After the War, it was demolished and in its place informational posters and maps stand on the area to show the layout of the rooms and how they were used. No explanation was given as to why the bunker was destroyed but I can think of a few.
We visited German town of Dachau that served as the first Nazi concentration camp during WWII. Dachau is now a Holocaust Memorial Museum with exhibits and memorials to the victims. It also of-fers an understanding of the chronological events from Hitler’s beginning to the liberation of Dachau. The persecuted here were clergy, Social Democrats, Communists and eventually the Jewish people.
In Prague another concentration camp was There-sienstadt, which originally was for political enemies but Jewish people passed through on their way to Auschwitz. Here the elderly, the sick, children with-out parents and very young kids and babies were put to death immediately. Statistics were posted on the wall and were difficult to fathom, for example for 1,000 prisoners brought in, seven survived, then of another 1,000, only one made it, and the list went on like that. Later, we rode into the deserted town that was once part of the Camp. Only a few elderly residents live here and stay only because they have nowhere else to go. Because of its history, people avoid the town and the government doesn’t know what to do with the property.
The city of Nuremberg is the home of the Nazi Party propaganda center. The Documentation Cen-ter contained exhibits about Hitler’s rise to power, the Nuremberg Laws and the Holocaust. We vis-ited the Nuremberg Palace of Justice, still a working courthouse. The trial of 21 of Hitler’s top aides was held here by the allies – the U.S., Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union. This site was chosen because it had little damage from the War, had a great deal of space and included a large prison complex.
We went on to Prague, the capital of the Czech Re-public known as the “City of One Hundred Spires”. Our walking tour of Josefov, Prague’s Jewish Quar-ter was as hard emotionally as the camps. Somehow the Quarter survived the devastation of war and oppression during the Communist Era. One Jew-ish Synagogue had the names of 80,000 Czech men, women and children who had died as the result of death marches listed on the walls of every room. As the allies closed in on the City, these people had to walk to distant areas where they could be squeezed into other concentration camps. To commemorate
The Brandenburger Gate is one of the most famous sights in Berlin, Germany. Wikimedia Commons image.
these cruel deaths, volunteers, using meticulous Nazi records listed the names, birth date and date of death for each person. The first completed effort was ruined by the dampness of the Synagogue. Volun-teers completed the task a second time only to have the walls ruined again by floods in Prague. The vol-unteers refused to give up and so the names were listed a third time. Their dedication will never be forgotten.
Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, Germany.
Wikimedia Commons image.
A separate room contained artwork done by the imprisoned children. It was heartbreaking and diffi-cult to look at these pictures and hard to think about them even now. Two examples of their artwork that give insight to the children’s plight is one of a guard beating a child while another shows a child riding away on a horse.
The trial was held in Courtroom 600 and because it was not in session, we were allowed in. A map displayed on an easel helped us determine who sat where – the defendants, the eight judges, two from each of the allies, the interpreters, the prosecutors, the defense lawyers, the press, and the spectators. The movie Judgement at Nuremberg, with Spencer Tracy sheds light on this chapter of Germany’s his-tory.
After the Place of Justice our bus took us to the infamous SS and Gestapo Reich Chancellery and Propaganda Ministry. This multi-acreage facility was the scene of many parades and gatherings at-tended by thousands of Germans to see and hear Hitler’s speeches. He was always on a stage area far above the crowds to portray him as a god who was born to save Germany. The city has no use for the now abandoned structures, and costs to tear it down and rebuild are too high. So it sits deteriorating, and is slowly being damaged by trespassers, bikes and skateboards.
Although this trip was two weeks long, I could have gone on longer. Even just scratching the sur-face gave me the opportunity to actually see some of the WWII history in those recovering countries. I do have to say it’s a subject best taken in small doses. No time machine needed.
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Jan-Feb 1988
Down Southwick’s country dirt roads a common sound in the 1800’s was the jingle of harness bells on the peddler’ s horse-drawn carriage as he went around his daily route. Not all peddlers had a horse and buggy, though. The “pack peddler”, carrying a pack on his back and a bag in each hand, wore out shoes quickly as he walked from door to door selling or trading his wares. The doors back then were some-times miles apart!
Bartering was a major form of payment for the Peddler’s wares. Housewives and farmers traded ci-gars or whips or rags sorted into bags of “white” and “colored” collected diligently for this purpose.
In the early 1860’s Albert F. Webb peddled cigars, which every respectable country gentleman needed for his own use and, of course, to treat his gentlemen friends. His boss, Charles J Gillett, a prominent South-wick businessman, gave him allotments of seeds and cigars to peddle from town to town. Soon Albert real-ized that this business was hard-earned and decided that peddling was not for him.
Humphrey Campbell was Southwick’s yeast ped-dler. He had a top buggy to carry the small keg with a square lid from which he scooped up the yeast with his long handled tin cuP. When the yeast man jogged up the road ringing his bell, housewives would run out with a dish to buy yeast for two cents a cuP. Home-made bread was an essential part of every meal.
The meat Peddler made his weekly or semi-weekly rounds to every dooryard. His warning was a loud bell that could be heard throughout the neighbor-hood’ Housewives would run out with aprons out-stretched while they watched the butcher cut Sun-day’s roast. Dogs and cats were constant companions as they waited for scraps of fat and bones to be thrown to them. Every Saturday evening the fish peddler came along with oysters, clams, fish, and lamprey eels in season.
Hijah Boyington owned his own covered wagon and horses and peddled gunpowder from the South-wick Mills all the way to New Haven. There, he picked up a wagon load of Kibbe’s candy and sold it all the way to Bennington, Vermont. While in Vermont, he would pick up a wagonload of cheese which he sold on his return journey home to Southwick. These trips kept Hijah away from home for many weeks and his young family waited in eager anticipation for his return/a Promise of peppermint stick candy, the popular treat of the day, no doubt foremost in their thoughts.
Another character was the traveling photographer. Without an appointment he would knock on a door and soon win the Heart of the housewife with his flattery. In the 1890’s nearly every family in town was persuaded to hurriedly arrange the entire household in the front yard around a picket fence or the old oak-en bucket. Mother and Father were posed leisurely sitting in rocking chair under the trees while chil-dren, dogs and cats huddled affectionately around them.
The lightening rod man made yearly rounds to persuade farmers that their money would be well spent putting the device on every building. The scis-sors grinder found customers waiting at the garden gate for him. The most exciting of all these yearly visitors was the band of gypsies who came along and camped by the roadside. The fortunes told to the local maidens by the black-eyed travelers were, of course, guaranteed to come true.
Before the advent of the automobile, nearly ev-erything .people could possibly need was brought to their doorsteps on a regular basis by peddlers. Their visits were awaited not only for the items they sold, but for the news and gossip that they shared as they traveled.
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Free Help for Local Businesses
We Are Here:
If you are a small local business struggling to get your message out during this unpresidented business shut-down, Southwoods is here to help. We will publish your message in our online digital magazine Free of charge.
Contact us at:
or Call/Text 413-374-3004
Restaurants Open for Take-Out
Crepes Tea House - 413-437-7440
D&J’s Hash House - 413-831-6082
Fresh Fields Cafe and Deli - 413-569-2007
Gristmill Cafe - 413-569-3000
New King Yen Too - 413-569-9888
Pasticerria Italia - 413-569-2250
Rail Trail Ale House - 413-998-0555
Roma Restaurant - 413-569-6315
Southwick Inn - 413-569-5031
Summer House - 413-569-3581
The Hood: Red Riding Hood’s Basket
413-569-2300 •
Tucker’s Restaurant - 413-569-0120
Village Pizzeria - 413-569-3160
Zanto Restaurant - 413-569-0164
Please call ahead or check online for availability.
Generously grease and flour 2 round layer pans, 8- or 9-inch, or a 13x9-inch pan. Measure dry ingredients into large bowl. Add soup and shortening. Beat at low to medi-um speed for 2 minutes, scraping sides and bottom of bowl constantly. Add eggs and water. Beat 2 minutes more, scrap-ing bowl frequently. Pour into pans. Bake at 350°F for 35 to 40 minutes. Let stand in pan 10 minutes; remove. Cool. Frost with a cream cheese frosting.
2 cups flour
1-1/3 cup sugar
4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1-1/2 tsp allspice \
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 can (10-3/4 oz) condensed tomato soup
1 /2 cup shortening
2 eggs
1/4 cup water
Tomato Spice Cake
First Published February 1999
Mix zwciback with 1/2 cup sugar, cinnamon and butter or shortening. Set aside 3/4 cup to sprinkle over top, press remainder of crumbs into a 9-inch spring form pan, lining bottom and sides. Beat eggs until light and foamy, then grad-ually beat in remaining 1 cup sugar; beat until light. Beat in salt, lemon juice and rind, cream, cheese and flour. Strain through a fine sieve. Pour into lined pan, sprinkle with re-maining crumbs and nut meats. Bake in a moderate oven (350° ) about 1 hour or until cooled. Serves 10 to 12. (If de-sired, use 1 teaspoon vanilla instead of lemon juice and rind.)
2 cups fine zweiback crumbs
1-1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 /2 cup melted butter orother shortening
4 eggs
1/8 tsp salt
1-1/2 tsp grated lemon rind
1-1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 cup cream
1-1/2 lbs cottage cheese
3 Tbsp flour
1/4 cup chopped nut meats
Cheese Cake
To include your event, please send information by the 20th of the month. We will print as many listings as space allows. Our usual publication date is within the first week of the month. Send to: Southwoods Bulletin Board, Southwoods Magazine, P.O. Box 1106, Southwick, MA 01077, Fax: (413) 569-5325 or email us at
Southwick 250
2020 Events
To commemorate the 250th anniversary of Southwick’s incor-poration in November 1770, an extensive lineup of community events is proposed.
June 7th - Run Walk Southwick @ Whalley Park
June 7th - Southwick Granville CROP Hunger Walk
June 13th - Adult Bus Tour: The History & Geography of Southwick
July 4th - Citizens Restoring Congamond Boat Parade
July 18th - One Call Away Motorcycle Ride, Family Fair, First Responders Parade, and Southwick Civic Fund Firework’s
August 22nd & 23rd - Revolutionary War Encampment
September 24th - Presentation: Southwick 250 Plymouth 400 - in the Footsteps of Pilgrims
October 3rd - Autumn Pumpkin Festival and Car Show
October 9-11th - Southwick Reunion Weekends
October 11th - Southwick 250 Grand Parade
October 17th - Paranomal Clinic
October 18th - Sarah the Fiddler
October 24th - Walk with Southwick Spirits
October 24th - Trunk or Treat
November 7th - Taste of Southwick Gala
November 8th - Presentation: Paddy on the Railroad & John Boyle of Southwick
With St. Paul, let us push forward, leaving the past behind and strive each day to be one with Christ in His death and resurrection. He said, “I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:13f) With the apostles, we must now live our lives confidently and courageously. Easter means that we are sure of ultimate victory and guaranteed of everlasting life, of joy, love, and peace with God. I wish each of you Happy and Blessed Easter 2020!!!
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“Peace is the First Gift of Easter”
Encouragement from Fr. Mattew Guidi
Our Lady of the Lake Parish
Peace is the first gift of Easter which the Lord imparted to His disciples. Peace comes from the victory of Christ over sin and death. With His res-urrection, we know for certain that everything has been overcome and conquered. Evil is not the last word because the goodness of God has triumphed. Death is conquered by the Resurrection of Christ. In Christ, we know that there is a certain future, a sure hope of justice, peace, joy, and new life. The tragedy is that some of us remain dead in our tombs even though Christ has already risen. The stone has been removed but we are not willing to come out. Sin and death have been overcome, but many of us are still living in sin and fear of death. What is it that pre-vents us from leaving our tomb to face the rising Son of the day?
We are fearful of the future. This year in particu-lar we suffer with the fear of COVID-19. We worry all the time about our health and our finances and our loved ones. We simply cannot deny the reality of the anxiety and worry that each of us experiences to some degree or another during this horrific time of pandemic. So what must we do to enter into the New Life that Christ has won for us? In Christ we can do all things in Him who strengthens us. (Phil 4:13) Having seen the reality of the future blessings ahead of us, we need not fear, not even death, for death, the last enemy of man has been overcome. Instead, we can live boldly each day in the midst of COVID-19, challenges, trials, confusion, and diffi-culties, knowing that the grace of Christ will bring us to a triumphant end.
Here’s how “The Message” Bible paraphrase renders the conversation captured in John 4:21-24: “But the time is coming – in fact, it has come – when what you’re called will not matter and where you go to worship will not matter. It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your wor-ship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people God is looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in worship. God is sheer being itself – Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration.”
Imagine if Jesus appeared to us and said: “The time is coming when you will no longer worship in this particular building in this particular town.” However you feel hearing those words may be the same way the Samaritan woman felt. And it’s not any different from what we are living through right now. We are to worship in spirit and in truth. And you can do that anywhere. You can worship every-where!
Worship isn’t just about where, or even how, you do it. It’s more than just DOING – it’s a matter of BEING. We have to worship in spirit and truth. That is true worship. That allows us to worship everywhere and anywhere based on how we live our lives. Scripture also tells us to love God with all our hearts and souls and minds and strength (Matt 22:37). We must worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We are involving our whole selves, in other words, our whole beings. We are not just do-ing, we are being.
Pray for people who are sick; pray for those who have lost loved ones to this coronavirus; pray also for doctors, nurses, and caregivers, for public health of-ficials and all government and church leaders. This too is our worship. May peace and hope spring up in place of fear and doubt. May perfect love cast out our fear; may faith and trust in God be our guiding force. God is everywhere and we must be present to him, even as God is present to us. May we be alive to God in spirit and in truth, in our comings and our goings, every day and everywhere… and may we always be at worship anywhere – and everywhere. Worship everywhere! Amen.
Blessed Easter 2020!!!
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“Worship Everywhere”
Encouragement from
Pastor Ken Blanchard
Christ Church United Methodist
God is everywhere. It can sound so cliché. But if we really think about it, it can make all the differ-ence in life and in worship, especially during these times of concern regarding the coronavirus. As we see houses of worship being closed for the foresee-able future due to heightened fear of contagion, some words of Jesus to a Samaritan woman have new application for us.
“Goliath Didn’t Have a Chance!”
Encouragement from Dr. Jeff King
Christ Lutheran Church
A young shepherd boy stops and stares. Before him is the biggest man he’s ever laid eyes on. A warrior. In full battle ar-mor. Why, his biceps are bigger than the boy’s chest!
The boy’s name is … David.
The giant’s name is … Goliath.
David reaches for the slingshot. His heart is pounding, but his hands aren’t shaking. Why? He knows that the God inside Him … is bigger than the giant before Him.
The stone hurls through the air. The giant crashes to the earth. The shepherd boy smiles.
Friend, here’s what I need you to see: The God inside you … is bigger than the virus around you. The truth is, God has a plan for your life – and none of this has taken Him by surprise. Before you were even born, God knew what challenges you would face, and He knew what He’d have to put inside you so that you could stand up to those challenges. The One who has promised to walk with you through every dark valley, will be by your side, virus or not.
Friend, we’re here for you, too. Join us every week at Christ Virtual Church, our online worship and encouragement experi-ence. You’ll find us on Facebook or at Remember, Goliath didn’t have a chance – and neither does this virus!
“Till the Storm Passes Over”
Encouragement from Terry Putnam,
Moderator for Southwick Congregational Church
Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.” (Mosie Lister, 1958)
We are surely in the midst of a global “storm” of epic proportions, unlike anything most of us have seen in our lifetime. One has only to turn on the TV or radio, pick up a newspaper, or peruse online websites to be bombarded with increasing numbers of those infected with Covid-19/Coronavirus and those who have passed away as a result.
Although we cannot be together physically with family members and friends, nor as a community, over the next several weeks, we can remain togeth-er in spirit and be comforted by our faith. We here at Southwick Congregational Church, as well as at other churches in the area, offer our weekly sermons by email and mail, on our Facebook page (South-wick Congregational Church UCC), via our website (, and by YouTube video. Rev. Susanne Hayes is staying in touch with our congregation and with others in need during this time. Please reach out to our church office or to an-other place of worship if you desire spiritual help or guidance.
During this time of fear and uncertainty, it is easy to become overwhelmed and to feel helpless and hopeless. While we must all continue to take the advice of the CDC, Governor Baker, and other health experts seriously, there is no cause for panic, but, instead for exercising caution and prudence.
We can all do our part to protect ourselves and others by staying safely at home and out of public places unless absolutely necessary (“social distanc-ing”); washing our hands with soap and water for 20 seconds; avoiding touching our face, eyes, nose and mouth; and covering our coughs and sneezes with our elbows or tissues. Although the results of our doing this will not be immediate, our unwaver-ing efforts will impact the spread of the virus and ultimately save lives.
Although we cannot be together physically with family members and friends, nor as a community, over the next several weeks, we can remain togeth-er in spirit and be comforted by our faith. We here at Southwick Congregational Church, as well as at other churches in the area, offer our weekly sermons by email and mail, on our Facebook page (South-wick Congregational Church UCC), via our website (, and by YouTube video. Rev. Susanne Hayes is staying in touch with our congregation and with others in need during this time. Please reach out to our church office or to an-other place of worship if you desire spiritual help or guidance.
We will weather this “storm” together. I pray for protection and comfort for the healthcare workers, the emergency responders, and the other essential folks who are working to provide us with vital ser-vices such as food (restaurants, grocers, food banks, schools, farms), sanitation, utilities, mail, and deliv-eries. I pray for healing and comfort for those suf-fering from this virus. And I pray for each of you to find solace in the midst of anxiety. May God be with you and your families in the coming weeks.
-- End --
By Phil Pothier
These days are filled with fear and woe,
And things uncertain here below.
And yet, my frfiends, we’ve been through many
Troubled times before!
We are a tough, resilient race.
And tho’ what e’r we’ve had to face
We’ve all come out the stronger through it,
Solid to the core!
So now, my friends, cheer up! Forebear!
We have a God of love and care!
‘Tis He who holds us and enfolds us,
Safe forever more!
You surely can entrust your life
In troubled times of fear and strife
To Him who keeps this troubled country
Safe from shore to shore!
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traprock driveways built & repaired. Gravel, loam, fill deliveries. Tractor services, equipment moved, York Rake. Bill Armstrong Trucking. 413-357-6407.
DELREO HOME IMPROVEMENT for all your exterior home improvement needs, ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS, DOORS, DECKS & GUTTERS extensive references, fully licensed & insured in MA & CT. Call Gary Delcamp 413-569-3733
RECORDS WANTED BY COLLECTOR - Rock & Roll, Country, Jazz of the 50’s and 60’s All speeds. Fair prices paid. No quantity too small or too large. Jerry 860-668-5783 or
House for rent - Southwick, Ma Dutch Colonial 8 rooms, 3 beds, 2 bath, kitchen, living, dining, den, family room, 2 car garage. New Kitchen floor. No pets. Call 860-558-1077 before 2pm.
Personal Shopping - From fashion to groceries Heart of Gold shops for you. Specializing in disabilities. Contact Margaret Nicolai 413-563-0518
Drum Set for Sale Paladin Maple 6Piece Highboy Shell w/ Evan’s Heads, BRAND NEW in box, 22” bass drum, coral sparkle. Hardware/Cymbals sold sep. $800. Call 413-977-8070
FOR SALE - 5 month old Sheltie male. Call 413-569-1420
FOR RENT - 3 Bedroom apartment in Southwick. Large yard with swing set and pool. $1,400.00 inlcudes utilities. Call 413-569-1420